divendres, 11 de novembre del 2011

Fundació Miró

Fundació Miró
The idea for the foundation was made in 1968 by Joan Miró. Miró formed the foundation with his friend Joan Prats. Miró wanted to create a new building that would encourage particularly younger artists to experiment with contemporary art. The building was designed by Josep Lluís Sert to ensure that this work could also be made available to the public and exhibited. He designed the building with courtyards and terraces and to create a natural path for visitors to move through the building.

Building began on the mountain of Montjuïc and the foundation opened on 10 June 1975. Not only was the architect a close friend of Miro but so was the first president Joaquim Gomis and Miro was amongst the first board. It was claimed that the new foundation represented a new way of viewing the concept of a museum and how the people of Barcelona could relate to their cultural heritage.
4 Wings by Alexander Calder in the garden

Expansion in 1986 to the building added an auditorium and a library which holds some of the 10,000 items in the Foundation and Miro's collection.

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